About Tamer AbdElhamid

  • Academic Level  Bachelor Degree
  • Gender  Male
  • Industry  Legal
  • Viewed 14


  • 2003 - 2007
    Faculty of Laws Ain-Shams University

    Licentiate Rights

    1- The necessary periodic, sudden, comprehensive and random review procedures, in order to achieve sufficient satisfaction with the performance of the internal auditor. 2- Notify the Managing Director and the Board of Directors of any irregularities discovered 24 hours prior to their discovery and propose removal procedures. 3- Ensuring the approval of the Board of Directors and the Financial Supervisory Authority in the case of dealing in securities with the name or the account of the managers or employees or their relatives up to the second degree, or with whom they have a commercial partnership or their dependents. 4- Verifying that the employees of the company are engaged in the business authorized and not subject to any penalties in this regard 5- Review account opening forms with customers and ensure that all required data and supporting documents are available 6- Complaints received by customers related to the company's activity were followed up by examination and response within one week from the date of receipt and keeping a file of all customer complaints, including the action taken 7- Ensuring that there are no operational processes between one of the company's clients, one of its managers or one of its employees, to ensure that there is no conflict of interests between one of the customers on the part of the company or one of its employees or its shareholders 8- The internal auditor shall endeavor to raise the efficiency and effectiveness of performance in the different departments of the company and verify the full implementation of all rules and decisions governing the deal 9- Check the existence of a manual for the work procedures of each of the departments at the company including their respective terms of reference and the method of distributing the work 10- To notify the Egyptian Financial Supervisory Authority of any judicial decisions issued by the Company or any of its directors, employees or employees within three days of the date of its knowledge regarding the exercise of the activity or the dispute of a city relating to the field of work, and by any ruling or declaration of bankruptcy or any criminal penalty or a misdemeanor, a crime of honor or honesty 11- It follows up and periodically reviews the customer's order log and signs it, and orders the customers to make sure they match the order register 12- Notify the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Authorities in case of loss of the company to one of the requirements of licensing or membership of the stock exchange or the disappearance of legal personality 13- Field inspection, inspection of branches and preparation of reports to the company's specialized committee 14- Receiving inspection committees from the Commission and providing them with all required documents and contributing in preparing the company's response to the inspection report 15- Prepare the minutes of the meetings of the Board of Directors and the General Assemblies and approve them from the Authority and notify the Stock Exchange after ratification 16- Review and save the net liquid capital form and sign it in case it falls below the required limit and clarify the reasons that led to it 17- Review customer records to indicate whether or not to approve cash transfer requests for banks or internal transfers 18- Holding of legal books (General Assemblies and the Board of Directors) and books on Anti-Money laundering activity 19- To comply with Anti-Money laundering measures in accordance with the AML law, preparing the annual report and suspicious reports.


