About Sayed Eltally

  • Academic Level  Bachelor Degree
  • Gender  Male
  • Industry  Manufacturing & Production
  • Viewed 13

About me

Kindly form my back exypertise which reached 25 years in finance, accounting, reporting and analysis filed I believe that i can support in achieving the vision and mission of the company – follows and implement the company strategies plans – controlling and auditing all the company financial transactions – create analytics reports, MIS reports, budgeting and fisability studies which reflect and measure the company trend and outcomes – solving complicated issues – Managing, controlling and monitoring all tasks assigned


  • 2023 - Present
    IBAS International Business Academy of Switzerland - MCKINSEY University DE, New Castle- USA- Extra Major

    Master of Business Administration (MBA)

    I have passed the basic 8 modules and still studying the 2 majors

